Solar Lords Closing School Secrets


Secrets of Success

Competition Framework

Competition Framework

March 12, 20247 min read

“All of a sudden, I started winning and everybody else started losing.” - Mike Morris

Competition Framework


I showed a slide like this before. I wanted to show you this other framework. I don't know which framework I like better. I like this one a lot. So one of the things that I always try to do is I always figure out how to be an expert. My favorite analogy is if you're going to get your appendix out, would you go to an expert or just your ordinary doctor? You’re going to be charged, but, the expert, he's going to charge you more.

Everybody would pay a premium for that thing. I remember when I first started selling solar, like my whole commission was around three grand. That was the average, right, so to get more, I had to move some product. You see what I'm saying? Now, we're splitting and it's about 3-5k on each side of this equation. I would attribute a good chunk of that is just becoming an expert or much more proficient at selling and actually understanding your product so that you can be persuasive people will pay for your expertise.

So one of the things I do is I come in here and I put my arm around him. I'm like, “Okay, man. We're friends.” Look at this table right here. If you got Tyson right here, and he is across from me like so, and we're working on this thing together. It's like he's on the other side of the table, dude. I can’t do that. Sitting across from somebody can come off as a little aggressive. I'd come over here. I'm like, “yeah, Tyson, man.” I'd stand right here, right next to him. I'm like, “Yeah, there's the problem. Let's look at that problem together.” So, we're on the same team looking at the problem. I always try to position myself, as the expert, where I put my arm around them and then us look at that particular problem and figure out how to sell it.

If you guys are in here making a $50,000 decision, who in here would want somebody that you could trust that felt like that they were actually trying to help you and do you good, not pull one over on you? Everybody in here would want that,

right? You'd want to deal with the expert. But would you be willing to pay extra for somebody that could help you identify the problem? Like, “You do this wrong, it's going to hurt. You do this wrong, it's going to hurt. I want to help you understand the differences so you don't get spanked.”

If I wanted to buy an HVAC unit or a heating or an air conditioning unit for my house, I want to know which one's the best one. I'd rather buy the good one than buy a piece of junk and then have to tear it out and do it again next year.

Put yourself as an expert. I even use the line out of The Wizard of Oz with the wizard. I’ll be like, “Look, dude, I'll just pull back the curtain and I'll just show you behind the scenes so you can see what we're looking at. Would that help you?” What's somebody gonna say to that? You're gonna agree, right? Y'all seen Wizard of Oz? Saw the tiny man behind the big curtain? I'm just gonna pull back the curtain. I'll just show you what we're looking at. So, I show myself as an expert. Then what I do is I start saying, “Okay, hey, let me see your quote here,” so that I can start identifying it. And then what I'll do is I'll start trying to coach them and help them understand the value proposition.

Collect Quotes

Whenever I do a competition, the last person standing, the last voice, the last person they see is the one that's got the best voice out of all. So I go over and they're like, "Oh, we're gonna do a competition." I'm like, "Okay, cool." They go get their quotes and after they get all confused, because it's a little bit confusing, I am 100 % of the time the last person, unless they pull a fast one on me.

I'm always the last because that’s when I have the best chance of winning. You don’t like it? Too bad. That's how the game’s played. And so then what I do is we'll get their offers, we'll look at them. I'm the last person in here so then what I'll do is I'll try to make sure that the offer I have is better than the offer that they got. That does not necessarily make it cheaper.


Why would the customer want to be in pursuit of the cheapest thing? Have you guys ever taken shocks off a car? Those big old fricking springs, the compression springs on your shocks? Here's my shock (draws on white board). Now you can get this stupid little thing that comes in here and does a little clamp right here and hooks onto it. It's got the screw right here. So then it's like a game. You get your drill and you cramp this down and then you go squish this one down and then this one down and this one now. When I do this it probably takes me half an hour to 45 minutes, maybe longer. It's such a pain. This is probably a $50 tool, okay?

I saw this thing online, it was sweet. You had this thing like a steering wheel, 'cause what it does is you crank the steering wheel and then it causes this thing to go up and it compresses it. So all you gotta do is put your spring right in here, bite into it, you grab the wheel and you go whoop! I could do that thing in about 60 seconds, which was convenient. I'd have shot myself in the head, given up, and rolled my side-by-side wrong. A $40 ,000 machine that was configured incorrectly because I got too impatient to do it right. This thing cost me 600 bucks. I bought that thing because I couldn't bear doing it the other way with the cheaper tool. With this thing right here, I bought speed. If you can do something faster, people will pay for speed.


So here's what you know people aren't gonna pay the cheapest. Well, collectively they don't pay, but it's our job to help them see the value. Literally, that's what I'm doing. I'm trying to be an expert. I'm trying to figure out what it is. Then I'm trying to lay out the offers, trying to make sure I'm the last person. I'm going to coach them to help them understand the value proposition. Then I'm going to go in there and try to exhaust all options to close this deal and win. And rinse and repeat. Do it over and over and over again.

It took me a long time to learn this, guys. I lost a lot of deals. I was the first guy in and then everybody else was stealing my deals. When I realized that the first guy always loses, I started taking the last position. All of a sudden, I started winning and everybody else started losing.

Learn more about getting the Solar Lords Closing School news letter. In this news letter I share the frameworks that I have discovered over the last 8 years.

If you think about it, one simple framework would save you hundreds of hours and make you several thousands to hundreds of thousands by simple using tested tools.

Learn More > Solar Lords Closing School

Case Studies

Isaac Reid

"I went from selling pest control out of state making $5K/mo to staying home and making $23K a month. It's crazy I left my state when all I needed was a new opportunity."

Isaac Case Study >

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Mike Morris

Mike helps people scape their 9-5 jobs by selling solar. Mike's specializing in coaching ambitions individuals to joining the top 5% of Americans making $250K+ a year. Learn more at

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